The Truth About Exercising and Aging

The truth about training and aging
Can you excuse me:
Just move!

There are myriad reasons for inactivity. sometimes valid. But know this:
Silence is Bad About 3.2 million people die each year from lack of exercise. Regular exercise is essential for good health, especially for older people. i'm too old
Exercise benefits almost everyone, including older people. Even moderate physical activity can have a big impact. Of course, consult your doctor first. If you are inactive, take it easy at first and do 5-10 minutes of moderate activity each day.

I have no choice but to relax
It's not your age that makes you feel like you need to rest. Because it doesn't move. Even older people with serious health conditions like heart disease, diabetes and arthritis can live better lives by getting up and moving.

I don't think my heart can forgive
The more active you are as you age, the lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes. Your doctor can tell you what kind of exercise is best and how long you should do it. A week she will do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio, such as a brisk walk or a light bike ride. This includes lawn mowing and extensive cleaning. You don't have to do it in 30 minute increments.

doesn't work like it used to
Exercises that promote flexibility are one of four basic groups of movements to work on (along with those that improve endurance, strength, and balance). For example, this stiffness can be relieved with stretching exercises that target the hips, legs, shoulders, neck, and back. Yoga can also help. But stay calm and don't stretch until it hurts.

afraid to hurt myself
Certainly, check with your doctor first, especially if you are inactive or have health problems.He knows what you need and what you can do. Experts say that people new to exercise should start slowly with low-intensity exercises. Drink plenty of water, listen to your body, warm up before exercise, and cool down after. please.

i am i
Recent research suggests that certain exercises, such as riding a stationary bike, actually slow down the cellular breakdown that can occur with age. In other words, it's never too late to start reaping the benefits of exercise. Regardless of your age, lack of exercise, or how long you've been ill, exercise can do a lot for you.

i don't like exercise
Working out doesn't always mean hitting heavy weights at the gym or running 10 miles. Do what you enjoy and keep doing. You can work in the garden, take a walk with friends, work in the garden (lifting and bending gives you flexibility and strength), you can ride a bike. Mix it up occasionally so you don't get bored.

no training partner
Having a partner or joining a group can help. Research shows that supervision and support can help you focus on what you're doing and feel comfortable. A buddy can really help when you've been out of action for a while and get things back on track.Some people like to go it alone. If not, find a group in Community. Find it online or ask your doctor.

no time
Busy schedules such as babysitting grandchildren, other family commitments, and household chores are often cited as reasons for skipping sports. Considering all the benefits of regular physical activity and the minimum amount of time required (150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week), the answer is clear.
If you want to stay fit, you will find time. my heart is fine
It's not just about your heart. Regular exercise also benefits your lungs, muscles, and entire circulatory system. This is about benefits such as lowering blood pressure, improving bone and joint health, and reducing the risk of colon cancer and diabetes.

i don't want to fall
Falls can be a problem for older people. However, regular physical activity—exercise that can be done anytime, anywhere—including exercise that promotes good balance can prevent falls that hurt so many older people. A doctor can point you in the right direction.

I'm more worried about my brain
Exercise is good for your brain. Exercise can help you avoid mental health problems like depression and anxiety, as well as help you stay focused and move from one task to the next, experts say. . healthy body, healthy mind.

22 Dec 2022