The 30-Minute Workout Routine

30 minute fitness blitz
Think you don't have time to exercise? they do. Training intensity is very important. Short, high-intensity workouts boost your metabolism and tone your muscles. Get moving with this 30-minute ''quick fix'' routine that includes cardio and resistance training. If you are new to sports, men over the age of 45 or women over the age of 55, or have any medical conditions, please consult your doctor before beginning any fitness program.

Squats for Beginners:
For thigh
If you're unfamiliar with this, start with beginner squats with an exercise ball. Place the ball at your hips, feet hip-width apart, and stand facing forward against a wall. Keeping your body upright, bend your hips and knees and slowly lower yourself, dropping your glutes toward the floor. Slowly return to the starting position. Do 10 times. Squat:
For thigh
When you're ready, try squats without the exercise ball. For good form:
Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Bend your knees as if you were sitting, lower your hips, and place your knees over your ankles. Notice that the knees are too far forward in the ''wrong'' image. Add his overhead presses at the same time to target more muscle groups in less time. With dumbbells in each hand, stand up from a squat position and press the weights overhead with your palms facing up. Do 10 times.

Forward lunge:
For thigh
Standing hip-width apart, take a big step forward with one foot, lower your body to the floor, bring your front knee in line with your ankle, and your back knee toward the floor. Return to the starting position, step the other leg forward and repeat. For an extra challenge, hold a free weight in each hand and twist your upper body to complete the lunge, twisting your body toward your front leg. Do 10 times on each side.

for hamstrings
To deadlift with a bar or free weights, stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Bend at the waist and move your hips back as you lower your torso parallel to the floor. Keep your legs straight without locking your knees and your back and spine in a neutral position. Lower the weight to just below your knees, then slowly return to the starting position. Do 10 times.

for gluteus maximus
Bridges work your glutes, hamstrings, and core. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart, forming a diagonal line from your knees to your shoulders, starting at your tailbone, lifting your spine off the floor. Slowly return to the starting position. Additional challenges:
As you lift your hips, hold a light weight and raise your arms toward the ceiling to target your triceps. Bend your elbows to lower the weight to the floor. Do 10 times.
push ups:
chest and torso
Let's start working on the upper body. Push-ups strengthen your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles. Get on all fours and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place your toes on the floor and create a smooth line from your shoulders to your feet. Bend and straighten your elbows to tighten your core muscles and lower and raise your body. too heavy? Place your knees on the floor, not your toes. Add an exercise ball under your hips, knees, or feet to increase your workout. Do 10 times.

Chest press:
for the chest
If you don't want a more strenuous exercise than push-ups to build and tone your chest muscles, try the weighted chest press. Lie on your back on a bench, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor, and relax your spine. Push the bar or dumbbell up from your chest toward the ceiling. Extend your arms but not your elbows, keeping your shoulder blades on the bench and slowly move them in both directions. As an added challenge, you can exercise your head and upper back on his ball and perform chest he presses. Do 10 times. curved row:
for back and biceps
The bent row works all the major muscles in your upper back, not just your biceps. Start the exercise with your back flat, one knee and one hand on the same side, and leaning against a bench. Hold the free weight in your other hand while keeping your arm extended. Raise your weight toward your hips until your upper arms are just above horizontal. See right. Then slowly lower the weight to the starting position. Do 10 times.

Shoulder press:
The shoulder press is an exercise that strengthens the shoulder muscles and can be done while standing or sitting. Use a bench with a backrest for extra back support. Start with your elbows bent and your weight on your shoulders. Slowly reach up to the ceiling, place your elbows under your hands, and pull your shoulders away from your ears. Slowly return to original position. Do 10 times.

Pull down the cable:
for upper back
For the final upper body exercise, pull the cables down and work your upper back. Using his machine, sit up straight with a neutral spine and extend your arms to grab the bar. Slowly pull the bar down from your face toward your chest. Go as far as you can without leaning back, controlling your weight along the way. Do 10 times.

bike crunch:
For core & abs
Lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees toward your chest, and lift your torso off the floor. Place your hands behind your head, tuck your right knee inward, and slowly twist your torso to the right as you extend your left leg. Then twist to the left, draw in your left knee, and extend your right leg. Concentrate on bringing your shoulder closer to your hip (not your elbow, not your knee) and lift the opposite shoulder off the floor. Do 10 times.

Side plate:
torso or stomach
For another abdominal alternative, lie on your side with your elbows bent just below your shoulders and use your core muscles to lift your body into a side plank. Then raise your hips high, then return to a plank, then lower. Do as many as you can with the correct form and repeat on the other side. If this exercise hurts your shoulders or neck, raise your legs and keep your hips stacked. His head rests on his bent arms.

walk 20 minutes
Make sure you complete 20 minutes of resistance training before moving on to the cardio portion of your workout. If so, now is a good time to take a water break and keep your body well hydrated.If not, go back and restart the circuit until you reach your 20 minute goal.

cardiovascular training
Vary the intensity during your aerobic exercise. Use intervals of about 1 minute to transition from moderate to vigorous pace. Whether you're on a stair climber, elliptical trainer, or treadmill:

30 seconds at the fastest acceptable speed, then 30 seconds at normal speed.
Then do the hardest resistance you can handle for 30 seconds, then normal resistance for 30 seconds.
Alternate speed and load until you complete 10 minutes.

how often?
He does this 30 minute workout routine every other day or two days in a row. These are not hardcore exercises that require more rest to recover.

26 Dec 2022