Common Baby Feeding Problems

baby avoids new foods
It's just a fact:
''Children are ready to refuse new foods,'' says Elizabeth Ward, MS, RD, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feeding Your Baby and Toddler. To do this, start with a small amount. Also, try making new foods similar to known favorites. If you like carrot mashed potatoes, try sweet potato mashed potatoes.
Messy Eater:
''Nourish the Earth''
Cereal on the floor, peas in your baby's hair? Congratulations, your child is showing signs of independence. Around nine months, many babies begin to control the time and space of their meals. It can be difficult to sit back and watch the chaos unfold, but keep that in mind as this is an important step in your baby's learning, growth and independence.
Nausea, vomiting, and baby reflux
It is normal for babies, especially newborns, to spit up a little. A baby's digestive system is still developing. Babies may also have reflux when food flows back up from the stomach into the esophagus.To manage acid reflux, slow or slow the rate of feeding each time you sit, loosen diapers, and eat less food. Hold your baby afterward. Reflux usually resolves without treatment by 12 to 14 months of age.
Refusal of food - baby doesn't want to!
When you feed your child, he will turn his head, tap his spoon, and close his mouth. Babies may refuse to eat for many reasons.
They are tired, sick, distracted, or just full. Don't force your baby to eat, but if you're concerned, talk to your doctor.
What's wrong with noisy people?
Likes and dislikes may last for weeks or months, but rarely. Your baby can be a picky eater for many reasons, says Ward.When your baby is in a bad mood, like teething, familiar foods can provide comfort. Or maybe your baby just isn't ready to try new foods. Be careful not to give your baby junk food just because he wants it. Provide healthy foods and a hungry baby will eventually eat them.
food allergies and intolerances
Up to 8% of children have food allergies. Symptoms such as skin rash, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain may appear suddenly. Children can be allergic to any food, but the most problematic foods are milk, nuts, eggs, soybeans, wheat and shellfish. If you suspect a food allergy, work with your child's doctor to find safe foods.
baby colic and appetite
Up to 2 of her 5 babies she can handle colic and cry for hours. Colic begins when the baby is 3 weeks old and usually goes away by 3 months of age. Colic does not affect a baby's appetite or ability to suck, but babies with colic may need time to calm down before eating. And they may tend to spit up a little when doing so. However, if you have vomiting, diarrhea, fever, weight loss, or blood or mucus in your stool, see your doctor. These are not symptoms of colic.
diarrhea and constipation
Diarrhea can quickly lead to dangerous dehydration. Signs include dry mouth, decreased urination or wet diapers, no tears when crying, weight loss, lethargy, or hollowing out...all worth calling the baby's doctor.
Babies rarely become constipated. Also, the frequency of bowel movements in babies varies, so it can be difficult to determine. For example, a baby who is exclusively breastfed may have only one stool per day. Signs of constipation are large, painful, hard stools and blood around the stool. Talk to your baby's doctor before trying home remedies.
Canned baby food and upset stomach
Are bottled baby foods causing digestive problems in babies? You can also feed directly from the food jar and save leftovers for another meal. This allows bacteria to enter the food through the baby's mouth and then wait for the baby to eat it.If your baby eats leftovers, it can cause stomach upsets such as vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. .
older babies and junk food
Mothers and fathers may be the root cause of eating disorders in babies. ''There is a temptation to feed older infants the same foods you eat,'' says Ward. But if what you're eating is junk, it's never a good idea.Feed your baby sweet, salty, and fatty foods now.
Foods you shouldn't give your baby
An underdeveloped baby's digestive system cannot process some foods that an adult body can.For example, honey can cause infant botulism, which can be fatal.Popcorn, Always stay away from bulky foods that pose a choking hazard, such as hot dogs, raw fruits and vegetables, raisins, chunks of meat or cheese.
When to Seek Pediatrician Advice
There are so many things that can cause eating disorders in babies, so it's a good idea to talk to your doctor if you're concerned.If your baby starts to lose weight, call your pediatrician right away. Please give me. Choking or vomiting when eating certain foods; suspected diarrhea, dehydration, or constipation. Or if you think you have reflux. If you have any questions or concerns, do not be afraid to consult your child's doctor.

30 Dec 2022